And so, Goodbye



It’s my last morning here at the farm; today I’m off to Sydney for work training, and hopefully a bit of Big Smoke fun before returning to the Northern Territory!

I’m excited to be returning to the NT, to my love, to my puppies and to the home that I’ve furnished and cook and create in. But I will miss the Central West and it’s beguiling morning mists, the dew on spider webs, the green paddocks dreaming under golden sun, and the flowers in the garden nodding languidly in the breeze. So I went for a walk to take snaps of my favourite places; and I invite you to experience them with me.

Stay Chic! X




Beautiful day, beautiful lunch!




It’s the most glorious day here in the Central West, it seems the region is being particularly persuasive in it’s efforts to show me what I’m missing out on in the NT! Here’s my lunch in the garden…

and below is my lunch, I know it’s prawns again but I do like the tasty little suckers. The spinach you can see is actually lettuce- did you know you can cook lettuce? I didn’t! I added chilli flakes, a bit of sambal oulek, salt and pepper, squeeze of lemon juice and some mixed herbs to 100g cooked prawns and 2 cups finely shredded lettuce with a teeny bit of water. Simmer until lettuce is cooked through but NOT limp and voila! It actually tastes amazing.

What’s your favourite healthy recipe? If you have it on your blog comment below so I  can find you and hopefully try some !!

Stay Chic!


Bathurst NSW


ImageI’m staying in the Central West of New South Wales currently, in a town called Bathurst. I’ve just had coffee (as black as my soul.. Not really but very strong!) at The Hub, an amazing eatery that has incidentally won Best Breakfast in a rural NSW town a few years running. 

The colours are spectacular now, the grass is so green and leaves are just starting to turn red. It’s a magical, heady combination which always excites me for some reason… Possibilities seem endless but a sense of urgency is in the air. To coin a Game of Thrones reference, Winter is Coming! I’ll post some autumn colour shots soon I promise.. But for now you may admire my pure wool pullover which was my mothers (oh yeah I’m rocking it) with that Dion Lee for Cue mini which I shot yesterday.. It’s mine, precious, gollum! (a lot of book references today, apologies!)


And the first photo is a pic shot at the Hub this morning, I love their interior as well as their food!! Find them at or reviews and dets on tripadvisor 🙂 anyone else have an eatery in the Central West region that they rave about? 

I’ll share soon on an exciting repost of the Dion Lee/ Marc Jacobs shoot. Stay tuned and…

Stay Chic!